Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Too much time on "The Book"

I was just attempting to do my homework and I found that I kept referring back to facebook and twitter. This is insane; it is almost like an addiction sometimes. Are social networking sites becoming an increasingly interval part of our everyday lives? Is it playing too large a role in our lives? Most times I am able to control myself but I know many people that can’t even function if they are allowed to get on facebook, twitter, or any other social network. They can forget about doing work, they will often find themselves going back to facebook within minutes of beginning their work. I never noticed all the negatives that came along with facebook. Someone on Yahoo.com answers asked “What are the negatives that come along with facebook?” Someone replied
• -It is extremely addictive especially since they changed it so you can see everything your friends do and you just keep joining groups and becoming fans of things.
-Even if I have homework due the next day i go on facebook instead it's that addictive
-Fights with friends
-Jealousy over amount of friends
-Some people get carried away changing their status every hour and it gets really annoying
-People taking loads of pictures of themselves
-1 comment on yur status/post/wall/photo can turn into a whole conversation that yur not even involved in
There's loads more
I love facebook but totally agree with everything everyones said :DD

I found all of these to be true, or can possibly become true. There are a lot of positives and a lot of negatives that comes with social networking sites. Do the positives outweigh the negatives?

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